Sunday, October 28, 2007


i FALL n i pick myself up...
i looose HOPE, yet i dream...
i'm LOST n I FIND myself again...
i CRY n i laugh through MY tears......
i believe im STRONG.....


s!LenT said...

nice one... b strong olwes...

Anonymous said...

u truely are...

liiza said...

nice work. and i know u will get thru anything cuz dats hu u r. :)

jellybean said...

thank u s!lent..mwaks
anonymous thank uuu.....
liz wat can i say ....bas hus vehje when i cam up to u.....hehehhe thanks gal..luv uuu

suicidal imbecile said...

why why always the same. write som wierd stuff

pOmPi said...

hehehe varah fakkaa :D ..

Anonymous said... all looks so cool..